flowers in the basement
with Kite, Alisha Wormsley, Mel Elberg, Tsedaye Makonnen, Frank Rodriguez
January 2024 in-progress performance at Participant Inc. Photography by Caroline J. Mills, John Brattin, Itziar Barrio, and Marit Stafstrom
Flowers in the Basement (FITB) is the name of both a project and a collective consisting of Kite, Tsedaye Makonnen,
Alisha B. Wormsley, Mel Elberg, Frances Ines Rodriguez and Amy Ruhl formed to both create new original performance work, and to radically reimagine family structures and reproductive labor away from colonial, capitalist, and heteropatriarchal imperatives. Bringing together a group of core collaborators working in vast fields of inquiry — Afrofuturism; queer, speculative, and Marxist feminisms, Lakota epistemologies; and African migration narratives — our mode of collaboration forges collectivity while respecting the autonomy of each artists’ individual praxis. FITB borrows aspects of devised theater as a strategy to connect a group of individual artists and flesh out both their political affinities and differences, creating a kaleidoscopic point of view on vital issues of caretaking through diverse forms such as film, poetry, jokes, noise, video art, monolog, dance, and sculpture.
January 2024 in-progress performance at Participant Inc. Videography by John Brattin, Itziar Barrio, and Marit Stafstrom
January 2024 installation at Participant Inc. Photography by Daniel Kukla
Amy Ruhl monolog at Participant Inc. Videography by John Brattin, Itziar Barrio, and Marit Stafstrom